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Sunday, 27 December 2015

5 Things You Must Know About Friendship

  1. It's better to have friends who pull your hair playfully than the ones who pull your EMOTIONS and say it's play.
  2. If you tell your friend about a guy you just met and she's asking questions like: "is he handsome?", "is he rich?", "he's light in complexion, right?", "did he drophis BB pin?", know that she's embarking on a journey to get that guy. That's a betrayer. Disconnect Fast!
  3. A thousand foe is better than a hundred fake friend. Why? You enemies show their personalities but you can hardly know the fakies.
  4. If he/she never calls you, never texts you, ignores your chats on social networks and never visits you, check the priority list of that your so-called friend, you may probably be the last on his/her list. Detach yourself from that BEING!

Having zero friends is close to being zero and also, having multiple friends can turn you from "Hero To Zero".
By Tossy Atty.


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