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Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Gain Admission To 200 Level Without JAMB


IJMB (Interim Joint Matriculation Board).
It is a PROVEN & CERTIFIED federal government approved Advanced level program moderated by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Prior to the introduction of JAMB, IJMB is the only Examination body that enable her candidate gain admission to 200 level of higher institution. But now, we can say IJMB is a program that aim to ease the students admission difficulties, as it’s specifically designed to provide an opportunity for candidates to gain admission to 200 level of regular degree programs in Nigerian Universities and beyond for one reason.


NABTEB (National Business & Technical Examination Board) is popularly known for her O-Level Exam but little or nothing is known about the NABTEB A-level exam. NABTEB conducts two A-level exams ANBC and ANTC respectively.
NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involve a lot of technical and trade-related practical, which were formerly bored by WAEC. The board conducts the National Technical Examination (NTC), National Business Certificate (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).


Candidates seeking admission into the program must possess a minimum of five (5) credits at O-Levels from WAEC, NECO or NABTEB in not more than two sittings (3 basic subjects plus Maths and English).
Deficiency is allowed in either Mathematics for Arts candidates or English for Science candidates and not in both subjects for candidates from Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS) of Nigeria. This deficiency must be remedied before the end of the IJMB programme. Candidates admitted to the programme with two (2) O-Level sittings must have five (5) credits complete in one sitting before registration for the IJMBE or NABTEB A' Level.

Candidates who are still waiting the release of their O' Level (WAEC, NECO NABTEB etc) results or who haven't sat for any of the mentioned O' Level examination can also apply for the program. But the O' Level (WAEC, NECO NABTEB etc) result most be provided before the end of the IJMB program.


Current Charges for arts Student
NGN 137,500
Application Fee NGN 8,500
Medical Charges NGN 5,000
Study Materials NGN9,500
Hostel Accommodation NGN 25,000
School Fess NGN90,000
Current Charges for science Student
NGN 146,000
Application Fee NGN 8,500
Medical Charges NGN 5,000
Study Materials NGN13,000
Hostel Accommodation NGN 25,000
School Fess NGN95,000

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Top Ten Important Things IMF Boss Said That Every Nigerian Should Know

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) boss, Christine Lagarde met with Bukola Saraki, the Senate President in Abuja on Wednesday, January 6 2016.
At the meeting which held at the National Assembly, Lagarde stated some important facts that most Nigerians should be aware of.
We compiled some of those points. Read excerpts below.
1.The IMF staff estimates that regional economic growth dropped from 5 percent in 2014 to about 3.8 percent last year, with only a modest recovery expected in 2016.
2. Growth is affected by three major economic transitions. They include China’s move to a new growth model, the prospect of commodity prices remaining lower for longer, and the increasing divergence in monetary policy in major economies, especially since the recent rise in U.S. interest rates.
3. Over the medium term, oil prices are likely to remain much lower than the 2010-13 average of more than $100 a barrel. Why? Because of the huge oversupply in global oil markets
4. Lower oil prices have sharply reduced Nigeria’s export earnings and government revenues. Both are likely to remain at depressed levels, reducing the space for policy interventions to address Nigeria’s social and infrastructure needs.
5. The first step is to broaden the tax base in Nigeria and reduce leakages is by improving compliance and enhancing collection efficiency.
6. Nigeria should build resilience bymaking careful decisions on borrowing. Nigeria’s debt is relatively low at about 12 percent of GDP, but it weighs heavily on the public purse. Already, about 35 kobo of every naira collected by the federal government is used to service outstanding public debt.
7. Nigeria should exercise restraint by focusing on the quality and efficiency of every naira spent. This is critically important. As more people pay taxes there will, rightly, be increasing pressure to demonstrate that those tax payments are producing improvements in public service delivery.
8. Fuel subsidies are hard to defend. Not only do they harm the planet, but they rarely help the poor. IMF research shows that more than 40 per cent of fuel price subsidies in developing countries accrue to the richest 20 per cent of households, while only 7 per cent of the benefits go to the poorest 20 per cent.
9. Nigeria should manage the smaller purse, while building capacity to increase internally generated revenue.
10. Maternal mortality is relatively high because of limited access to health care. Many women and children are dying every day simply because they cannot get to medical facilities fast enough.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Easiest Ways To Keep Your Stomach Flat No Matter What You Eat


In this challenging world of today, Who doesn’t want a flat stomach? Especially since tight dresses and crop tops are taking the fashion world by storm again. In his usual ways, Your darling writer Owolabi Victor have some little tricks and tips that you can use in order to keep your stomach flat year round. The following are the Easiest Ways To Keep Your Stomach Flat No Matter What You Eat: 1.  Don’t eat 4 hours before you go to bed…
Think about it, if you are eating, then retiring to your bedroom right away and dozing off to sleep, you’re not actually taking the time to let your food properly digest, and it doesn’t give you the opportunity to burn off those calories during your everyday activities.  Therefore, the weight is just going to sit on you, and you’re going to gradually start noticing that bulge in your stomach area getting bigger and bigger!
2.  Drink a bottle of water before and after you eat
Not only is water good for you, but it can also trick your body into thinking that it is fuller than it actually is.  If you drink a bottle of water before you eat, you’ll avoid the urge to overeat, and by drinking a bottle of water after you eat, you will once again secure that full feeling in your body..Don’t worry about the water weight, it’ll drop off pretty quickly obviously.

3.  25 crunches before bed, 25 crunches when you wake up 
This is mandatory! You didn’t think that you were going to be able to get flat stomach by doing literally ZERO exercise, did you? Even still, 50 crunches a day is not so bad.  Once you get into the habit of it, you’ll even start to find the routine to be quite a breeze.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

5 Things You Must Know About Friendship

  1. It's better to have friends who pull your hair playfully than the ones who pull your EMOTIONS and say it's play.
  2. If you tell your friend about a guy you just met and she's asking questions like: "is he handsome?", "is he rich?", "he's light in complexion, right?", "did he drophis BB pin?", know that she's embarking on a journey to get that guy. That's a betrayer. Disconnect Fast!
  3. A thousand foe is better than a hundred fake friend. Why? You enemies show their personalities but you can hardly know the fakies.
  4. If he/she never calls you, never texts you, ignores your chats on social networks and never visits you, check the priority list of that your so-called friend, you may probably be the last on his/her list. Detach yourself from that BEING!

Having zero friends is close to being zero and also, having multiple friends can turn you from "Hero To Zero".
By Tossy Atty.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

This Is Why You Sleep After Sex


Is it normal for a partner to fall asleep just after having sex, and does the fatigue sometimes lasts for more than 24 hours? What can I do to make him more resistant?
Many women still seek the answers to these questions. Is it abnormal to fall asleep after intercourse? Not at all. The tiredness that appears after intercourse is a natural reaction of the human body to the effort it has made.
But most times, if a man does not cuddle up with his woman after he has had sex, and if he does not talk and if he simply lays on his back and goes to sleep, it is natural for a woman to jump to conclusions, thinking her partner is simply not satisfied.
Their beliefs are wrong. Here are some real reasons men fall asleep after intercourse:

    Fact > 1 – sex during the night, especially when the human body is already tired, becomes the first argument for the state of sleepiness that occurs after having sex. The actual intercourse does not even have to be very ‘solicitating’. You should keep in mind that sex, by its nature, is very relaxing.

    Fact > 2 – Men ejaculate during org asm, and the hormones that are set free induce the state of lethargy. The sleep sensation manifests more intensely than on a regular basis. Even if the tension of the body is a positive one, it is also a very big, almost exhausting one.

    Fact > 3 – Plenty of people tend to hold their breath from time to time while they are having sex. Its rhythm becomes abrupt and the pulse intensifies. Therefore, there is a lack of oxygen, which contributes to the need to rest – nothing serious, everything comes back to normality in the postlude.

    Fact > 4 – The state of sleep should be interpreted in a positive way, because it proves the fact that you have reached an org asm and that everything has gone alright. In rare cases, men who are exhausted during and after intercourse, on a longer period of time may suffer from medical problems. In this case, leave your inhibitions and self-pride aside and have a complete check-up.

    Tip  > 1 – If you are looking for a quick solution, drink coffee before going to bed with your partner. We cannot say that it is a long-term solution, but it is also an effective erotic stimulus. Caffeine can be your main ally in the fight against tiredness; but it can also harm as it can affect the nervous system, making one over exc ited and under revved.

    Tip  > 2 – Really refreshing is a citrus, especially a grapefruit, very cold, right from the fridge. At the opposite pole we find alcohol. Do not use it in large quantities; its effect is exactly the opposite.
    On the other hand, women’s bodies react different; for them the sensations during an org asm are a stimulus. They could be more willing to go for a second ’round’. But still, what can women do to make men more resistant? Don’t worry, as men being men, ‘refill’ themselves!


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